Information Centre

Information Centre

For interesting articles and information about pets and the pet industry for pet owners, and pet businesses.  Pet Professional Insurance provides quality, cost effective business insurance solutions for Pet Professionals.

puppy on lead, exercising a puppy

Can you over exercise a puppy?

Puppies might appear full of beans, but it’s important to acknowledge it’s possible to exercise a puppy too much....

customer loyalty

6 ways to encourage customer loyalty

There are many ways to increase customer loyalty for your pet business. Here are six strategies to ensure happy and loyal cus...

woman with pets, pet professionals

6 mistakes pet professionals make

From not taking out insurance to under-valuing yourself, here are the common mistakes pet professionals make time ad time aga...

grey cat, pet business insurance

Could your pet business be under-insured?

When was the last time you checked your pet business insurance policy? Could you be at risk of under-insurance?...

dog in swimming pool, summer pet safety

Time to talk summer pet safety

There’s no time like the present to talk to your clients about summer pet safety....

piggy bank, pet business news

Are discounts bad for my pet business?

No matter what type of pet business you’re in, discover whether discounts will help or hinder your bottom dollar....

car sitting in car, travelling with pets

Travelling with pets: the rules and regulations

When travelling with pets (or offering advice on the topic) it’s important to familiarise yourself with the latest pet road...

scruffy dog, imposter syndrome

Part 2: Coping with imposter syndrome

Think you might have imposter syndrome? Find out how you can manage it....

vet feeding small dog, imposter syndrome

Part 1: Feel like a fake? You could have imposter syndrome

Many pet professionals feel inadequate or inferior. This could be imposter syndrome. Discover the latest research......