Information Centre

Information Centre

For interesting articles and information about pets and the pet industry for pet owners, and pet businesses.  Pet Professional Insurance provides quality, cost effective business insurance solutions for Pet Professionals.

golden retriever being bathed, pet grooming

4 reasons why pet grooming insurance is a good idea

Starting a new business can be costly, but not having pet grooming insurance can turn out to be more expensive than having it...

dogs wearing caps and sunglasses

Guide to working with (not against) other pet professionals

Here’s why working with, not against, others in your industry is a win-win tactic. ...

woman feeding cat, winter, cat safety

Keeping your clients’ cats safe in winter

As the temperatures drop it’s important to keep our feline friends safe and advise clients on cat safety in winter…...

woman hugging dog, dealing with difficult clients

How to break up with difficult clients

Tired of dealing with difficult clients? These tips will help make breaking up easier and less stressful....

How to politely turn down a pet sitting job?

Wondering how to turn down a pet sitting job without upsetting the owner? Here are a few tips on saying no. ...

woman looking sad, veterinary stress

Coping with veterinary stress

Veterinary stress is real but, with a few coping mechanisms, it is possible to reduce stress for better wellbeing. ...

short coated brown dog

Are my clients’ dogs anxious, and what can I do to help?

If you recognise a client's dog is anxious there are steps you can take to help. ...

curly-haired dog lying on bed

How to tell if a dog is in pain

Recognising when a dog is in pain is an important part of being a responsible pet professional. Here are the cues to look out...

yorkshire terrier wrapped in towel, pet grooming insurance

Pet grooming insurance — is it worth it?

Do pet groomers really need pet grooming insurance? To help you find the answer here are a few considerations....