It’s not just big businesses that benefit from branding. Brand identity can help both small businesses and individuals find the success they desire.

Branding isn’t just about your logo and choice of colours; it’s about sharing the same values as your customers, being trustworthy and creating a positive experience. If you feel you need to brush up in this area, here are 10 branding tips to get you started.

dog dressed in pink, branding tips

  1. Know what makes you different

What is your unique selling point (USP)? What makes you different from other similar businesses? If you have trouble answering these questions you may want to consider specialising in a certain area. For example, a pet groomer might specialise in a certain dog breed or a creative style of clipping. A vet might specialise in animal physical therapy.

It’s not just about qualifications though. You can set yourself or your business apart from competitors by the quality of your service, the way in which you communicate or level of professionalism.

  1. Do your research

This shouldn’t be a rushed job. There’s no point in doing research for the sake of research. Come up with a list of questions relevant to your industry and that may impact your business and find the answers. Research your competition, but also research your audience. Know where they hang out. Build a profile of your target audience, as this will help you tailor your marketing and guide your brand identity.

  1. Identify your mission

What drives your brand? A tagline is a great way to promote your mission or objective and encourage people to join your movement or to engage with your brand. Think of your brand as a person – what are its beliefs, values and aims?

Often brands and businesses might start out with a clear set of aims or a solid mission but over time these can change or the business runs off course. So don’t write these down and then shove them in a filing cabinet, never to see the light of day again.

Refer back to them at the end of each year to see how you’re progressing or frame them and hang them on the wall so they act as a constant driver and reminder.

white and black dog, target audience branding

  1. Know your target audience

Make sure you have a clear concept of who your customer is. This way you can build a brand that will appeal to your target audience. This will likely impact your design and logo, where you advertise and even the platforms on which you communicate.

If you’re targeting the over 50s you’re probably not going to use Snapchat, for example, to promote your brand. But, if you want to capture the 20+ market, Snapchat might be a good bet.

  1. Ensure your business name is clear

I don’t mean make sure the font is readable, make certain that your business name clearly reflects what it is that you do. Potential customers should be able to instantly identify what it is you do or what service you offer. In other words, forget using ambiguous brand names for the sake or being clever.

And if you can’t immediately think of a brand name, don’t panic. Take your time to find the best brand name for your business.

  1. Look left of centre

Think outside the box. Consider how you can make your brand that bit different. Look for gaps in the market. Identify ways in which you can stand out in a competitive marketplace. Don’t just focus on the Australian market; look globally too – even if it’s just for inspiration.

However, don’t copy others you feel are successful. Differentiate yourself. Find your own diverse identity or tell a different story.

  1. Brand design

How we dress says something about who we are and our personality. Think about the ways in which you intend to promote your business. Will you be using digital and print marketing? Will you communicate via different social media platforms? Are you hoping to develop branded merchandise? Consider all the different circumstances in which your brand might appear and make sure that your design and logo are fluid enough to be used in different ways. For example, if you intend to have a stall at a dog show, will your logo be clearly read on a banner? Does it lend itself to merchandising?

dog wearing reading glasses

  1. Know your strengths and weaknesses

We all have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to business. Don’t try and do everything yourself. Hire experts to fill the gaps. Be it a copywriters, photographer or marketing professional, look at what you can confidently do yourself and identify the areas where you fall short.

Okay, so you might not be able to afford to hire a bunch of experts from the off but as the business grows look at where the gaps need filling to help you reach the next level.

  1. Be authentic

Authenticity is essential for building a trusted brand. Even when you’re flying solo, for example you’re a professional pet sitter or dog groomer, it’s important for clients to get a true sense of who you are.

After all, no one wants to leave their beloved animal with someone they don’t know or trust. It’s important to be social and build connections with people.

  1. Focus on the entire experience
